Montag, 23. April 2007

From Dusk Till Dawn

had many femdom scene in it. Famous is the first scene with Quentin Tarrantino sucking Salma Hayeks toes. This scene had been copied a couple of times. For example in Rammsteins music video Die Sonne. Lately I read about an argentine remake with Silvina Luna as Satanico Pandemonicum.

Donnerstag, 19. April 2007

Femdom in Fashion: Vanessa Perron

I really love femdom pictures in fashion fotografy. Those pictures don´t show everything, but trigger my fantasy. There are many things, which could happen. The latest pictures I found are from an editorial starring Vanessa Perron. In this case, it´s the whip, that gives them a very different meaning.

Dienstag, 3. April 2007


Started this blog today. A save haven, if our Yahoo groups get deleted and a place to publish news about femdom in mainstream media.